Why choose us?

No one plans on getting sick, that’s why the physicians and staff at Internal Medicine Health Associates are committed to providing quality healthcare when you need us.

Internal Medicine Health Associates is a multi-specialty group practice of physicians supported by a dedicated staff of other healthcare professionals who work together for your good health. For the routine appointments, and regular checkups, we won’t keep you waiting. And for the unexpected, most patients can be seen by a physician within 48 hours, and for extra convenience, we offer evening hours by appointment.

In addition to keeping you healthy, our physicians are actively involved in advancing the quality of medical care for everyone, through their participation on local and national boards, and as faculty at Brown University in Providence, and by advancing the profession through writing and publishing articles in leading medical journals for their colleagues.

Internal Medicine Health Associates, a team of accomplished physicians and staff are dedicated to providing quality health care that is convenient and accessible. Contact us today.

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