
521 Goode St.
Houma, LA 70360
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The name, 'La Maison' is french for 'house'. More specifically, it refers to a house that is lived in, as in a household. That's what Bryan Hamner and his wife have been successfully doing at La Maison since 2004-bringing families and houses together, turning houses into households.

Before La Maison came into existence, Bryan and Kathy Hamner had over 35 years of combined experience lending and closing in the mortgage brokering field. Separately, they spent years honing their skills and becoming familiar with mortgage lending through the respective banks they worked for. From a bank's point of view, they learned what banks look for in mortgage customers and learned what gets factored into the decisions on loan approvals.

They learned what influences mortgage rates and how timing can effect the final percentage.

Bryan Hamner was already certified as an accountant by the time he entered the mortgage lending business, so when he and his wife decided to open La Maison, he knew he could put his number-crunching skills to work for his clients, saving them time and saving them money.

Call 'The Mortgage-makers' of Louisiana today and let the knowledgeable experience of La Maison work for you.

La Maison Mortgage Corp.